Elena Berryman and Jordon Brown 1 minute read

This week’s good climate news


Appeals court upholds EPA plan to reduce smog

Large smokestacks with white smoke coming out of them

In a big win for clean air, a federal appeals court rejected an attempt to halt the Good Neighbor Plan. The Good Neighbor Plan requires power plants in upwind states to decrease the pollution they produce, which in turn increases air quality for states nearby. 

This ruling means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency can continue protecting millions of people from dangerous smog emitted in neighboring states, including by power plants.

Climate rights head to European court

A forest fire near a city in Algarve, Portugal

A group of young people in Portugal made history by bringing their climate advocacy to the courtroom, challenging 32 European governments. These brave Portuguese youth, aged 11 to 24, are seeking a decision that would pressure governments to take meaningful climate action. They are backed by the Global Legal Action Network.

The case was filed in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France. A ruling is expected in 2024.

Clean energy jobs thriving in Kentucky

The skyline of Louisville, Kentucky. Honestly, it looks really nice and you should visit. But, make sure you learn how to pronounce it before you go.

Kentucky’s green economy is booming. The 2023 Clean Jobs America report revealed that over eight times as many people in the Bluegrass State worked in clean energy than in coal mines last year. That's a massive win for the state, with 2,200 new jobs added and a total of 37,000 Kentuckians in the clean energy workforce.

More green jobs are on the way, as Toyota has announced plans for a manufacturing facility for electric vehicles in Georgetown, Kentucky.

Massachusetts school districts charge ahead

Children climbing aboard a big yellow school bus

Six school districts in Massachusetts received grants to electrify their school bus fleets. The funding will help deliver new buses and infrastructure, providing assistance with needs like installing chargers and designing charging sites. Many children in these districts, which together serve more than 60,000 students, will soon have a cleaner, healthier ride to school.

The program aims to have plans for full electrification, along with operational electric buses at schools, by 2025.

Hope for a warming planet

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